GBC MP2500iX Modular 12" Electric Punch

In stock - 1 items available
SKU: 7704300
Regular price $2,200.00
Regular price Sale $2,400.00 Sale price $2,200.00

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GBC MP2500iX with Die

This heavy-duty punch can handle up to 16,000 sheets an hour and is quiet enough to use in office environments. LEDs make production easier by displaying power on, die-set information, and full chip drawer. A full range of interchangeable die sets are available to handle all your presentation spine styles.

Product code 7704300, choose machine with die pattern punch.
View Video: MP2500ix Video
  • 8 Interchangable die sets (available separately) for ultimate versitility
  • Electric push-button or foot-pedal operation
  • Automatic reverse to prevent paper jams
  • Adjustable paper alignment guide
  • Open ended throat for punching odd-sized sheets
  • Extra-large drawer for paper chips
  • Price in drop down menu includes die, contact us for additional die needs