GBC Arctic Dura Mount Mount

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SKU: 9300853
Regular price $241.00
Regular price Sale $480.00 Sale price $241.00

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This GBC Arctic Dura Mount utilizes an economical polyester carrier coated both sides with a permanent pressure sensitive adhesive. The arctic dra mount 3" Core mounting film bonds well to porous, non-plastic surfaces. It uses an aggressive adhesive that provides a permanent bond to a variety of substrates. Perfect for posters, digital prints, and price sensitive projects. Clear pressure sensitive mounting adhesive with a 78 Lb. coated paper, single release liner. Ph neutral. Adheres to gatorboard, foam board, sintra etc. 
GBC-9300853 ARCTIC DURA MNT 38X150
GBC-9300854 ARCTIC DURA MNT 38X300
GBC-9300860 ARCTIC DURA MNT 55X300