AJ 700 air-feed floor model jogger

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SKU: JO0795
Regular price $2,999.00

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Air-feed feature forces air between sheets to reduce jogging time and eliminate powder buildup. Press sheets and digital copies can be air dried immediately to prevent offset. Air-only and vibrate-only functions. Significantly reduces misfeeds and double feeds in printers, folders, and collators. V-shaped, adjustable-angle table. 4 inch tray thickness. Foot pedal operation or continuous. Automatic timer. All-metal construction. Mounted on casters.

Dimensions (D x W x H), inches: 17" x 22" x 45 1/4"
Shipping weight: 84 lbs.


AJ 700

Paper size 5" x 7 3/8" to 12 7/8" x 17 3/4"
Sheet capacity 1,000*
Power supply 115 V, 60 Hz





A700 PDF